After getting infected and turned into a Gelkin, a woman's struggle to endure the transformation leads her to make a rash decision that might have serious consequences...
The experiment continues. Sage experiences her own side effects as Yuuki and Caroline continue to observe the effects of a full vial's worth of serum. Things get a little... wild between them. Warning: Extreme transformations, massive sizes, and altersex content ahead!
Ever since their wedding, a heterosexual couple in an open relationship find themselves more eager than ever thanks to a spell from her sister. So far, they have never broken either of their two rules for sex with others, but what will happen when they both slip up?
A shapeshifter who grows larger when anxious is at a music festival with his enby partner--who surprises him by setting up a meeting their favorite band. Can he keep it together or will meeting his musical icons be too much to handle?
Ever since the court case which allowed for cosmetic Chimeric enhancements, transformation parties have become all the rage on college campuses. This is the morning after...
A superheroine with Jewish heritage can turn into a golem at will by absorbing the materials around her, but the strain of balancing her heroic persona and her real life is getting to be too much for her, and now she has to deal with the Rookie Hero of the Year as well...
When Slimes first appeared in the aftermath of The Shadei Uprising in 1983, infection by their cells and being turned into an amorphous Gelkin was a death sentence. Now though, twenty years later, medical advances which protect sentience as the transformation progresses and prevent transmission of the virus to others allow Gelkin to continue leading normal lives--for the most part anyway. There are always surprises when one becomes something else...
'Make that which you envy yours' seemed like harmless advice in a fortune cookie. What the phrase actually imparted to her was far more than just advice...
After a spat with a witch over the last bottle of milk, a woman finds herself growing and lactating. As it turns out, the same is happening to the witch. Now, both are seeking a solution before they are too busty to move!
On TF House, an erotic, online reality show, participants take mystery medications which cause transformations. One such contestant is about to have the best show of her life...
Following up on Goddess By Proxy(#012) the hypnotist and her reality warping client find themselves at odds as he tries to give his power to her, which could destroy her in more ways than one... Warning: Extreme transformations ahead!
After her cosplay debut is far bigger than she expects, a woman decides to do a photo shoot with a good friend. The new costume, however, bears a familiar seven-pointed star...
A couple faced with infertility problems find a potential solution when an archaeological display arrives in her lab at the Museum, but is Faerie Magic really the best solution?
Two high school sweethearts reconnect over the summer after her freshman year, however, one of them has finally found the fortitude to face their dysphoria. This leads to a far more intimate moment that either of them anticipated as the new girlfriends promise to support each other in this new chapter... Warning:Altersex content ahead!
Matched tracksuits are one way to motivate you and your partner to workout together--but when their origins are fey in nature, who knows what your workout will do!
A nerdy young man at his first AniCon finds a talisman in a grab bag. The woman dressed as a faerie at the booth says it grants "masculine power" based on a keyword. She thinks it is a promotional gag, but he finds himself growing and has no idea what the trigger word is!
A man blessed with genes which have made him look like Conan wishes that he could take a break from the weight of all the expectations on him. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who is more than happy to share the load...