Misty F Fiction

TF and Ex Kink: Enhanced Libido

Character’s sex drive has been increased in some way

074 – (Don’t Have to) Keep Me Growing

The experiment continues. Sage experiences her own side effects as Yuuki and Caroline continue to observe the effects of a full vial's worth of serum. Things get a little... wild between them. Warning: Extreme transformations, massive sizes, and altersex content ahead!

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073 – A Spell Awry

Ever since their wedding, a heterosexual couple in an open relationship find themselves more eager than ever thanks to a spell from her sister. So far, they have never broken either of their two rules for sex with others, but what will happen when they both slip up?

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043 – Hythena’s Evolution

Years ago, a young daemoness was given a great opportunity which changed her far more than she ever expected...

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036 – Ongoing Changes 1

Tired of waiting to be cleared for surgery, Claire applied for an experimental treatment--though she never expected to be selected. Now that she has though, she is ready to embrace the opportunity and finally find herself.

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028 – Demoness Costume

A woman's idea for a Halloween costume turns out to have a mind of its own...

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025 – A Swelling Regard

After a spat with a witch over the last bottle of milk, a woman finds herself growing and lactating. As it turns out, the same is happening to the witch. Now, both are seeking a solution before they are too busty to move!

019 – CamDevil

On TF House, an erotic, online reality show, participants take mystery medications which cause transformations. One such contestant is about to have the best show of her life...

016 – Goddess by Choice

Following up on Goddess By Proxy(#012) the hypnotist and her reality warping client find themselves at odds as he tries to give his power to her, which could destroy her in more ways than one... Warning: Extreme transformations ahead!

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021 – What You Bring to the Table

A man who feels he has nothing to lose seeks out the power to change his life, only to find how deep his hunger really goes... 
Warning: Extreme transformations and sizes ahead!

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010 – Videogains

A pair of lesbian otakus find themselves playing a game with a very robust character creator which has some... expansive effects.

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008 – Runnin’ Hot

Matched tracksuits are one way to motivate you and your partner to workout together--but when their origins are fey in nature, who knows what your workout will do!

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005 – My Pet Elf

In the midst of trying to prevent an invasion of her new home, a daemoness was forced to kill her would-be girlfriend. Trying to save her life, she bound them together, but what happened was unexpected. It has taken some time, but now she wants to make things right with her bonded companion... Warnings for implied rape and enslavement.

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004 – Wild Magic

A Witch of the Veldt Way gets much more than she bargained for when accepting a trespasser's secret in exchange for their life...

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003 – Milk Makes a Body Grow

During her last scout mission against some Minotaur rebels, a goblin rogue became the owner of a gold statue depicting a hugely curvaceous woman under dubious circumstances. She had intended on fencing it at the first opportunity but, there are things happening to her that convince her to do otherwise...

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002 – The Best Gag

A nerdy young man at his first AniCon finds a talisman in a grab bag. The woman dressed as a faerie at the booth says it grants "masculine power" based on a keyword. She thinks it is a promotional gag, but he finds himself growing and has no idea what the trigger word is!

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001 – Switch Hitting

A man blessed with genes which have made him look like Conan wishes that he could take a break from the weight of all the expectations on him. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who is more than happy to share the load...

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