Misty F Fiction

TF and Ex Kink: Personality Changes

224 – Bonding Before the Emperor

Once, long ago, Irene and Anna were maidens of battle, sworn to fight Chaos in all its forms. Then they were betrayed by a Sister and were corrupted by Slannesh's influence. This is one of the stories that happened next.
After a surprise attack proves successful, Anna and Irene celebrate. Their celebration is such perfection that it attracts the attention of a daemon. Anna and Irene are granted great power and bless some of the survivors with Slaanesh's gifts as filtered through Anna.

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223 – A Temptation Beyond

A scion of a powerful magical family, everyone expected Demma to be as successful as her siblings. Thing is, Demma might have the knack, but she lacks the power. So when she stumbles across a tome that is supposed to heighten the user's connection to the world's magic, she doesn't hesitate to get ahold of it--even if it means stealing it...

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174 – War-Vamp Origins

Stabbed in the back by her cousin, a bookish princess finds herself jailed and awaiting death by combat. She has one hope, a forbidden spell she had read once that would transform her into something more than human...
Warning: This story focuses on ritualized cutting and blood. 

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166 – By the Silver

After a bloody encounter with a wolf infected by the lycanthropy virus, a woman finds herself hopeless and depressed as she waits for the first full moon. However, her first encounter with the silver light goes differently than she expected...
Contains: altersex/crossgender content.

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218 – Like an Exposed Reactor Core

While preparing for Beltane, a mishap on Walpurgisnacht results in a witch and her concubus familiar merging into a new singular body that is neither magi, daemona, or lilin but something...else. Something which borders on pure mana merged with pure lust and given form. Surely, a normal person would find this upsetting, were it to happen to them, however, the transformed witch seems to be enjoying the situation–perhaps even too much...

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142 – A Difference of Fantasy

An empathic shapeshifter is tired of her dates all turning out the same way--with her tits bursting out of her top. Will she ever find someone who doesn't fantasize about how busty she can get?

171 – Chosen By Passion

A chance encounter with something divine changes a woman's life forever...Warning: Altersex content ahead

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Her Story

A woman's body modification fantasies lead her to another world where size fetishes are part of everyday life. There, she clones herself to pursue her conflicting bodily desires...
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183 – Clearance Candies

The best thing about the day after a holiday is getting all the clearance candies. Is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? Warning: Extreme Transformations ahead!

099 – Wishing for Fertility

A couple dealing with fertility issues visit a wishing well and make an impulsive decision which has dramatic results, but, all's well that ends well, right?

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093 – (Don’t Have to) Worship Me

Yuuki tries to figure out where everything went awry and then discovers just how much Sage has changed...
Warning: Massive sizes and altersex content ahead!

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089 – Breaking Through

With her thesis defense looming, a physics genius feels increasing pressure from her social anxiety. When her therapist suggests she use hypnosis to work on lessening the effects of her phobia, what happens is far beyond her expectations...

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088 – Jelly from the Springtime of Youth

A vacation to the French Alps for their twentieth anniversary brings a couple closer than ever as their relationship gets a second wind, but is there something more behind this renewed youthful energy? Warning: Extreme transformations and altersex content ahead!

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082 – A Midsummer Night’s Hook-Up

Buoyed by worship in the time of the Roman Empire, the faerie queen Aine became a goddess of mysteries and fertility. In modern times, she is thought of more and a concept than a being. Many believe her to be The Boob Faerie, the incarnation of one aspect of a young woman's potential.
Warning:Massive sizes ahead!

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073 – A Spell Awry

Ever since their wedding, a heterosexual couple in an open relationship find themselves more eager than ever thanks to a spell from her sister. So far, they have never broken either of their two rules for sex with others, but what will happen when they both slip up?

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016 – Goddess by Choice

Following up on Goddess By Proxy(#012) the hypnotist and her reality warping client find themselves at odds as he tries to give his power to her, which could destroy her in more ways than one... Warning: Extreme transformations ahead!

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021 – What You Bring to the Table

A man who feels he has nothing to lose seeks out the power to change his life, only to find how deep his hunger really goes... 
Warning: Extreme transformations and sizes ahead!

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008 – Runnin’ Hot

Matched tracksuits are one way to motivate you and your partner to workout together--but when their origins are fey in nature, who knows what your workout will do!

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005 – My Pet Elf

In the midst of trying to prevent an invasion of her new home, a daemoness was forced to kill her would-be girlfriend. Trying to save her life, she bound them together, but what happened was unexpected. It has taken some time, but now she wants to make things right with her bonded companion... Warnings for implied rape and enslavement.

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001 – Switch Hitting

A man blessed with genes which have made him look like Conan wishes that he could take a break from the weight of all the expectations on him. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who is more than happy to share the load...

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