Rating: PSFW
186 – A Lamia Goes Kaiju
Time to Read: 10 minutes
188 – A Crossover in Silver
Time to Read: 4 minutes

a lust for combat, fight like you're in an anime, going along with the weird, growing to massive sizes, I say hi with punches, magic versus might, magical girl cat fight, non-canonical crossover, outgrowing one's clothes, overwhelmed by sensations, puny witch, silver age-style crossover, special guest character, unconventional magical girl, visibly growing, why talk when we can fight
172 – I Wish For A Life-Changing Encounter
Time to Read: 7 minutes
101 – Of Boobs and Fae
Time to Read: 20 minutes
095 – At the Threshold
Time to Read: 4 minutes
091 – Adjust to Fit
Time to Read: 4 minutes
085 – Discovered Divinity
Time to Read: 3 minutes
083 – Wishes from Youth
Time to Read: 14 minutes

accidentally out of control, alls well that ends well, faerie mischief, friends to lovers, getting more than one bargained for, here for all of you and not just your looks, it happens by accident, it happens on vacation, making wishes at a well, mind control through pheromones, my girlfriend is gigantic, nothing is ever simple, outgrowing one's clothes, outgrowing the room, references to Celtic folklore, she can make you do things, she has a dominating personality, subtext I need to address in revisions, that was probably a bad idea, they become lesbians, they end up together, they get a new lease on life, time travel, wishes are never what they sound like, wishes beget more wishes, you can almost hear the Enya
077 – Muscle Game Aftermath
Time to Read: 2 minutes
075 – A Slime Needs Her Protein
Time to Read: 2 minutes
069 – Taulic’s Chosen
Time to Read: 3 minutes
068 – Growing Embarrassed
Time to Read: 4 minutes
062 – Reunion: Jupiter
Time to Read: 5 minutes
057 – A Warm Reunion
Time to Read: 7 minutes
058 – Expanding Gum
Time to Read: 4 minutes
060 – Outgrowing the Playing Field
Time to Read: 3 minutes

a dramatic change through iffy science, accidentally out of control, choices guided by jealousy, deliberate overdose, drugs with convenient effects, experimental drugs, happens to people in a committed relationship, one upping one's sibling, outgrowing one's clothes, taking matters into her own hands, time for me to shine
053 – Hearth Witch
Time to Read: 18 minutes
055 – Captain’s Log
Time to Read: 5 minutes
051 – Infused With Alteration
Time to Read: 2 minutes
047 – Gooey Could Be Good
Time to Read: 3 minutes

a shapeshifter with identity issues, a troubled relationship, accidental sex change, accidentally a threesome, better than ever, broken up with because of a close call, dating as an infected partner, going along with the weird, going out due to frustration, magic makes things better, making the best of a bad situation, minotaurs are big guys, monster girls have more fun, monster physiology can be surprising, she gets bigger, she's a Junoesque woman, she's a shapeshifting prodigy, suddenly very endowed, totally an allegory, trying their best, unwitting attribute transfer