An accident at work reveals a co-worker to be a shapeshifter whose transformations are driven by temporarily absorbing another individual. How will Phil handle the situation?
While preparing for Beltane, a mishap on Walpurgisnacht results in a witch and her concubus familiar merging into a new singular body that is neither magi, daemona, or lilin but something...else. Something which borders on pure mana merged with pure lust and given form. Surely, a normal person would find this upsetting, were it to happen to them, however, the transformed witch seems to be enjoying the situation–perhaps even too much...
Tonight was the night the rest of their lives began. After months of changes and training, the tall but shy guy in IT has become a confident, sexy woman who has stolen Meredith's heart. She had expected to get a lap dog, but, honestly, this is better...
She had been clueless about what the Hebrew symbols meant, they were just something that had looked cool in an anime. Yet, after a nightmarish evening, it seemed that those five characters contained a power she could draw on. Now, with 'Greed' branded upon her, she is being transformed into something... Biblical. Warning: This is far darker than my usual work and there are trigger warnings for several mentions of attempted rape
A couple dealing with fertility issues visit a wishing well and make an impulsive decision which has dramatic results, but, all's well that ends well, right?
After stealing potions from a witch and each growing quite a bit, Balama and Alethra still have more to drink... Warning: Massive sizes and altersex content ahead!
Yuuki tries to figure out where everything went awry and then discovers just how much Sage has changed... Warning: Massive sizes and altersex content ahead!
Ever since their wedding, a heterosexual couple in an open relationship find themselves more eager than ever thanks to a spell from her sister. So far, they have never broken either of their two rules for sex with others, but what will happen when they both slip up?
On TF House, an erotic, online reality show, participants take mystery medications which cause transformations. One such contestant is about to have the best show of her life...
Following up on Goddess By Proxy(#012) the hypnotist and her reality warping client find themselves at odds as he tries to give his power to her, which could destroy her in more ways than one... Warning: Extreme transformations ahead!
A man who feels he has nothing to lose seeks out the power to change his life, only to find how deep his hunger really goes... Warning: Extreme transformations and sizes ahead!
A man blessed with genes which have made him look like Conan wishes that he could take a break from the weight of all the expectations on him. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who is more than happy to share the load...