TF and Ex Kink: Enhanced Stamina
016 – Goddess by Choice
Time to Read: 32 minutes

a fuck sandwhich, accidentally a goddess, accidentally out of control, altersex woman, bigger than should be possible, everything works out in the end, going along with the weird, he's a reality warper, please take my power from me, reality is malleable, she's a hynodomme, thirst begets more thirst, thirst over logic
021 – What You Bring to the Table
Time to Read: 17 minutes

a deal with a devil, a Faustian bargain, a metaphorical death, an existence purely for sex, assuming another identity, bigger than should be possible, demon lesbians, embarrassed by the changes, goes to extremes, going along with the weird, he becomes a woman, her breasts go past her knees, I'm gonna die anyway so might as well, monster girls have more fun, monster physiology can be surprising, more than they bargained for, outgrowing one's clothes, succubus means I'm a bottom, they get a new lease on life, unsure to accepting, utterly transformed, way more than you bargained for
011 – Arenkant’s Temple
Time to Read: 23 minutes
010 – Videogains
Time to Read: 16 minutes

accidentally out of control, big top and small bottom, bondage via hair, carried away in the moment, demon lesbians, experimenting with one's body, her breasts go past her waist, more than they bargained for, self-controlled expansion, self-controlled transformation, she becomes a succubus, she has an unnatural hair color, she has piercings in her ears, she has piercings places other than her ears, she is super nerdy, tied down and fucked
009 – Honest Desire
Time to Read: 13 minutes
008 – Runnin’ Hot
Time to Read: 12 minutes

crafting a new life, faerie mischief, fluff, getting more than one bargained for, happy superhumans, magical clothing, outgrowing one's clothes, reality is malleable, self-actualization, self-controlled expansion, she's a reality warper, soft time travel, the fashion fey strikes again, well that escalated quickly
005 – My Pet Elf
Time to Read: 29 minutes

alive, but a what cost, d/s dynamics, demon lesbians, experimenting with one's body, facesitting, getting more than one bargained for, magic gone haywire, monster girls have more fun, overwhelmed by sensations, pleasure torture, power sharing, psychically bonded, self-controlled transformation, size difference, taunting, the first steps to betraying and slaying your tyrannical royal sibling, their sibling is an unmitigated ass, their sibling is evil, trust me on this, unsure to accepting, utterly transformed, visibly growing
004 – Wild Magic
Time to Read: 11 minutes

a noble living in exile, getting more than one bargained for, he cums inside, he gets covered in cum, he gets pegged, he grows a second dick, he turns into a beast, in for a penny, in for a pound, literal pet play, of course the super-endowed amazon has a horsecock, of course your massive dick is equine, one with nature, she covers him in cum, she gets pumped full of cum, she has an unnatural hair color, she pegs him, She's a big domme, she's a bit otherworldly, she's a witch, something for something, they get fucked silly, thirst begets more thirst, turns out he's gay, women the world over find her beautiful
003 – Milk Makes a Body Grow
Time to Read: 9 minutes

a curse? nah, this is a blessing, bigger than should be possible, going along with the weird, growth over a few days, her milk makes things grow, monster girls have more fun, outgrowing one's clothes, she gets bigger, she gets covered in cum, she gets taller, she gets thicc, she has near-endless stamina, she looks like a fertility idol, taking on all comers, thirst begets more thirst, thirst over logic, unsure to accepting, visibly growing
001 – Switch Hitting
Time to Read: 15 minutes

a dream come true, accidentally out of control, alls well that ends well, bigger than should be possible, bucking gender conventions, clothing destruction, drunk on power, furniture destruction, going along with the weird, happens to people in a committed relationship, he gets smaller, he is an athlete, her breasts go past her waist, his cock gets huge, magic gone haywire, my girlfriend is a forest troll, open-ended, outgrowing one's clothes, putting all the attributes in one basket, references to Nerd Culture, she gets bigger, she gets buff as hell, she gets swole, she has an amazon fantasy, she has an unnatural hair color, she has multiple piercings in her ears, she has near-endless stamina, she has several tattoos, she is smart, she is super nerdy, she keeps getting bigger, she tops him, smothered by tits, tired of being exemplary, unsure to accepting, videogame references, zero refractory period