After a bloody encounter with a wolf infected by the lycanthropy virus, a woman finds herself hopeless and depressed as she waits for the first full moon. However, her first encounter with the silver light goes differently than she expected... Contains: altersex/crossgender content.
Years from now, in a future blasted by heat, all but the most elite of humanity live as nomadic hunting bands. One such band stalks the wastelands of the American Northeast, the home of creatures infused with saurian DNA through unknown means...
Out of the blue, a man in his twenties has started to transform whenever he is aroused and he soon discovers his condition is due to the "Z-Gene" mutation. During an already trying time in his life, he didn't need an identity crisis as well...
A couple dealing with fertility issues visit a wishing well and make an impulsive decision which has dramatic results, but, all's well that ends well, right?
Yuuki tries to figure out where everything went awry and then discovers just how much Sage has changed... Warning: Massive sizes and altersex content ahead!
Buoyed by worship in the time of the Roman Empire, the faerie queen Aine became a goddess of mysteries and fertility. In modern times, she is thought of more and a concept than a being. Many believe her to be The Boob Faerie, the incarnation of one aspect of a young woman's potential. Warning:Massive sizes ahead!
When they had first started talking on AugNET, Hanna had never expected to fall in love with a woman like Beth, but it has been five months already and every day is better than the last... Warning: Expansion to massive sizes ahead!
When Slimes first appeared in the aftermath of The Shadei Uprising in 1983, infection by their cells and being turned into an amorphous Gelkin was a death sentence. Now though, twenty years later, medical advances which protect sentience as the transformation progresses and prevent transmission of the virus to others allow Gelkin to continue leading normal lives--for the most part anyway. There are always surprises when one becomes something else...
Two high school sweethearts reconnect over the summer after her freshman year, however, one of them has finally found the fortitude to face their dysphoria. This leads to a far more intimate moment that either of them anticipated as the new girlfriends promise to support each other in this new chapter... Warning:Altersex content ahead!
During her last scout mission against some Minotaur rebels, a goblin rogue became the owner of a gold statue depicting a hugely curvaceous woman under dubious circumstances. She had intended on fencing it at the first opportunity but, there are things happening to her that convince her to do otherwise...
A man blessed with genes which have made him look like Conan wishes that he could take a break from the weight of all the expectations on him. Fortunately, he has someone in his life who is more than happy to share the load...