10 Jun 2018 The Far Shore 205 – A Birthday Abroad Time to Read: 2 minutes A witch studying with Maddie and Cass' coven celebrates her first birthday overseas.featuring a friend's OC, female friendships, fluff, she's a witch
10 Jun 2016 The World of Witches 004 – Wild Magic Time to Read: 11 minutes A Witch of the Veldt Way gets much more than she bargained for when accepting a trespasser's secret in exchange for their life...a noble living in exile, getting more than one bargained for, he cums inside, he gets covered in cum, he gets pegged, he grows a second dick, he turns into a beast, in for a penny, in for a pound, literal pet play, of course the super-endowed amazon has a horsecock, of course your massive dick is equine, one with nature, she covers him in cum, she gets pumped full of cum, she has an unnatural hair color, she pegs him, She's a big domme, she's a bit otherworldly, she's a witch, something for something, they get fucked silly, thirst begets more thirst, turns out he's gay, women the world over find her beautiful