a dream come true, accidentally out of control, alls well that ends well, bigger than should be possible, bucking gender conventions, clothing destruction, drunk on power, furniture destruction, going along with the weird, happens to people in a committed relationship, he gets smaller, he is an athlete, her breasts go past her waist, his cock gets huge, magic gone haywire, my girlfriend is a forest troll, open-ended, outgrowing one's clothes, putting all the attributes in one basket, references to Nerd Culture, she gets bigger, she gets buff as hell, she gets swole, she has an amazon fantasy, she has an unnatural hair color, she has multiple piercings in her ears, she has near-endless stamina, she has several tattoos, she is smart, she is super nerdy, she keeps getting bigger, she tops him, smothered by tits, tired of being exemplary, unsure to accepting, videogame references, zero refractory period